Arduino - Instagram followers count updater for ESP32 nodeMCU

Arduino - Instagram followers count updater for ESP32 nodeMCU

In this project, we will be using the ESP32 dev board to fetch the Instagram follower count every 60 seconds. In this project, we are not using any Instagram API for fetching the follower count as I did in my previous topic.

Instagram status library

This library is available in the Arduino library repository as well. Go to Sketch → Include library → Manage Libraries and search for ‘instagram’ to install.

The whole library can be also downloaded from the below Github repository as well.

Required Libraries

This project requires the Arduino json-streaming-parser library for parsing json strings. This library is also available in the Arduino repository. To download go to Sketch → Include library → Manage Libraries and search for ‘json-streaming-parser’ to install.

This library can also be downloaded from the below Github repository.


Make changes to the following variables in your code for proper working.

char ssid[] = "YOUR WIFI SSID";      // your network SSID (name)
char password[] = "WIFI PASSWORD";  // your network key
unsigned long delayBetweenChecks = 60000; //mean time between api request
String userName = "INSTAGRAM_USERNAME"


See the last line of the above image for the follower count. The count gets updated depending on the ‘delayBetweenChecks’ variable in your code.


Good work!! Thanks for this tutorial.

Hi actually i have problem in the result
it always show 0 for number of followers
I run the codes on ESP32

Hi, if you post your code, It will be easy for me to troubleshoot.