How to optimize C code for embedded system?

Following are some of the methods you may adopt to optimize you C code for embedded systems:

  • Use a smaller data type for variables where possible. For example, use int8_t instead of int and int16_t instead of long to reduce memory usage and increase speed.

  • Avoid using unoptimized libraries or functions that are not optimized for embedded systems.

  • Use pointers carefully. Use pointers carefully and avoid using them unnecessarily to improve performance and reduce memory usage.

  • Optimize loops and conditional statements by avoiding unnecessary calculations and using efficient algorithms.

  • Use pre-compiler directives like #define and #ifdef to optimize the code and improve performance.

  • Use inline functions to avoid function call overhead and improve performance.

  • Avoid memory allocation during runtime as it can cause memory fragmentation and reduce performance.

  • Use hardware specific optimization techniques like instruction scheduling and register allocation to improve performance.

  • Avoid using floating-point operations. Floating-point operations are slower and require more memory than integer operations, so avoid using them whenever possible.

  • Bitwise operations are faster than arithmetic operations on most embedded systems. Use them whenever possible to optimize code.

  • Choose the most efficient algorithm for each task to improve performance and reduce memory usage.

  • Use compiler optimization flags, such as “-O2” or “-O3”, to enable the compiler to optimize the code for performance.

  • Use hardware-specific optimization techniques, such as using assembly language for critical sections of code, to maximize performance.

  • Use pre-increment and post-decrement operators, instead of post-increment and pre-decrement operators, as they are faster.

  • Use the const keyword to declare variables that will not be modified. This allows the compiler to optimize the code and improve performance.