Low Cost Android progammable Microcontroller

Most Microcontrollers need expensive PROGRAMMING thru the computer & internet. Which is the Simpliest, Smallest, with Least Pins,Low cost- easily Programmable Microcontroller that may be programmed on Android platform ? (Using Smart phone WITHOUT USING A Computer / Lap-top) Does AT-Tiny-13 fit here??

Microcontrollers are designed in such a way that is programmable from a PC because it is more convenient and reliable during development and debugging. No manufacturer will never invest in making their controller programmable via mobile platform. But still there are some Android App which you can use it develop for ATTiny. But its based on Arduino framework. I am not sure about its debugging capabilities.

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Thanks for your response

I think, with enough effort, if you get a chip with on-chip bootloader that can be called, or even better, a secondary boot loader, you can program it from whichever platform you wish. But I don’t really think it’s worth investing your time into programming a chip over Android phone, unless there is a very specific need to do so. Lots of STM32 chips will be good for this, as well as some Nordic Semi Conductor chips.
In Fact, using Nordic Chips, you can program and update your firmware on those chips via BLE, if you get the right setup. Their “nRF Connect” does an amazing job at pushing FW updates on their chips.
If you expand a bit more on the project you’re doing, maybe we would be able to suggest something more specific rather than talk in broad sense.

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Thanks a Lot Cisco for your response.

Thanks a Ton Cisco. I am designing a RF chip based motherboard to accomodate as many daughter board utilities of a Ham Radio Operator, which is practically possible.