MicroPython - Instagram Followers counter for ESP8266 nodeMCU

MicroFollowers - Instagram Followers counter for ESP8266 nodeMCU

MIcroFollower is micropython script which when run, fetches yours Instagram followers count every 5 minutes and display it on a 1.3-inch SH1106 oled display. Instagram API is used to fetch the follower count from Instagram sever. An Instagram access token is needed to establish secure communication with the Instagram sever. For this, you have to register an app and get the access token from https://www.instagram.com/developer/

MicroFollowers Script

The script comes with MIT license which gives you the right to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software.


Required libraries

Following libraries are required for the proper working of the MicroFollowers. Make sure following libraries are installed in your micropython firmware before running the MicroFollower script. You may use micropython REPL
prompt to confirm the installation of the libraries.

  • SH1106 1.3’ oled driver:


  • micropython-urequests:


Micropython SH1106 OLED driver

Pin Map I2C

  • 3v - xxxxxx - Vcc
  • G - xxxxxx - Gnd
  • D2 - GPIO 4 - SCK / SCL
  • D1 - GPIO 5 - DIN / SDA
  • D0 - GPIO 16 - Res (required, unless a Hardware reset circuit is connected)
  • G - xxxxxx CS
  • G - xxxxxx D/C

Pin’s for I2C can be set almost arbitrary




Excellent!! I will try this very soon.

Is there any way to make this work without an Instagram access token?
Thank You

Yes, you can avoid the Instagram API by fetching the URL with username and parse the follower’s count. For example, fetch the below URL below to get the follower count.


But, I think using Instagram API is more secure and reliable.